Dynamic Coaching
One on one Spirit Guided Coaching sessions, held on Zoom, are often 75 mins, but can be more spacious. Come as you are, when you want. Prepare to galvanize and alchemize!
These sessions are for folks who are into excavating, tending, swimming in the liminal somewhere between Earth and the Cosmos. Those who are interested in radical embracing, revolutionary visions, and connected alignment.
Folks who trust their rooted wisdom and see the vast connections all around them. Those who value reflections, sacred holding, and powerful galvanizing energy.
What is Spirit Guided Coaching?
~ Spiralic ~ Mercurial ~ Attuned ~ All Encompassing ~ Cosmic ~ Embodied Knowing ~ Boundless Curiosity ~ Tendrils Stretching ~ Blood Flowing ~
These one on one coaching sessions are not designed with a set agenda. We come to connect, co-create, honor and work with what arrives. These sessions are built in the moment, with intuition and guidance from our own knowing as well as Spirit. Your desires lead the way and I offer space, encouragement, and practices as we go.
All sessions begin and end with a grounding meditation: a visualization bringing in connection, protection, and guidance. After that we dive in, we see what is present and ready. Many times there are guided meditations, metaphors, invitations, and practices. Often there is an offering for practices you can do in between sessions to nourish and inspire.
Often during sessions I get nudges from my Guides. I get messages, sensations, and visuals. When I show up, open the portals, and call in what is ready to be seen and known, the flow is undeniable. Drawing on so much, these sessions are so potent.
One of my favorite thing about Spirit Guided sessions is that everything really is welcome ~ all the tools, all the experiences, all parts of us! One moment we may be deep in astral space visualizing something mystical and the next we may be coming up with a very practical next step towards a desire. That’s the magic of these sessions, they are all encompassing. This is a wide open, accepting, embracing space.
Why do Spirit Guided sessions?
These sessions are true magic! Following intuition, using all our tools, and allowing Spirit to guide creates unbelievable shifts, portals, and even softening. The amount of wisdom, love, and brilliance that bubbles up when we make the space and call it in, when we allow for it, is incredible.
Spirit Guided sessions give you the space to be, to process, to integrate, to play, to realize, to unite, to connect. They are very spacious and attuned to your desires, your struggles, and your longing. They bring in everything ~ in Spirit Guided sessions we allow for it all, for us all to be present. Whatever is meant to be with us, is. That’s part of what makes them revolutionary and profound.
I recommend these sessions for folks who are familiar with many tools, who love ritual, metaphor, symbolism, guided meditation, dropping into the body. These are a great place to bring all that in, to really play and see what happens.
These sessions are…
~ A place of openness and non-judgement.
~ Built with prayer and magic.
~ Centered in consent.
~ An invitation into deeper understanding.
~ A place where curiosity and vulnerability are encouraged.
~ A place where we resource when we need to.
~ A beautiful portal of possibility.
~ A place to explore, play, and experiment.
~ An internal deep dive.
~ Open to all who are called.
~ Co-created and tailored to you and your desires.
~ A wide, open space, where our whole selves are welcome.
These sessions are NOT…
~ Your typical coaching sessions.
~ For everyone.
~ Designed using an academic approach.
~ Based around an agenda or a formula.
~ A place where we self abandon.
~ One size fits all.
Pillars of Spirit Guided Coaching
Sacred Celebration
If you know me, you may already know that I love Sacred Celebration! Sacred Celebration is a divine practice of presence, noticing, naming, and practicing agency.
We start every session with Celebrations because they are that important! This practice isn’t to wash over or ignore any of the sticky or difficult stuff. It is to highlight and really note what is working, what we are proud of, excited about, and what is making life worth living at the moment. Naming the good stuff usually helps us recognize and create more of it.
Ceremony sustains us. Joy feeds and nourishes us. Celebration has taught me that no matter what is happening there are glimmers of magic, of hope, of humanity, of wisdom, and of possibility, and so long as I notice them, they can uplift and encourage me.
Listening & Intuition
Listening is powerful. Whole-hearted listening alone can create space for revelations, connections, it can help us hear, notice, and shift beliefs.
In these sessions, I am listening deeply to you, to myself, to my intuition, and to our guiding Spirits. With an open heart and an open mind, I listen. I sit, I hear, I observe, and give my full attention. I breath into what is said and unsaid.
What you say can be magic, what you have within you is wisdom. And listening to that sparks more wisdom, more magic!
In Spirit Guided sessions, I open the sacred channel of intuition within and around me and drop in completely. Trusting my support system as I go. This is part of what makes galvanizing possible, deep listening and intuition, following the golden threads.
Loving Detachment
While I hold you and the space we co-create, I also hold myself and all the magic we call in. I stand rooted in my knowing as I honor yours, open to all directions, with no attachment to outcome, no desired agenda except to serve our highest and best.
During these sessions, I am in service to our individual and collective Spirits as well as the desires you bring forth. This allows for experimentation, for feedback, for directions to change and shift as we do, for feelings to flow freely.
As a Sacred Galvanizer, I often see so many ideas, connections, and possibilities sparking all around me. Non-attachment allows us to enthusiastically explore with pure delight, informed by desire.
This puts us in greater consent with each other and the moment, which is part of why I say these sessions are co-created.
Humility & Resilience
Having humility is key because I honestly have no idea what is best for you. I don’t know how you should proceed or move through the world. Thankfully it’s not my job to know, it’s my job to be present.
I am here to hold space, to create room for you to speak, be heard, listen, to play and practice. To celebrate, explore, and experiment. I’m here to offer what I have. While I don’t have the answers, I do have resources, reflections, practices, and tools.
In these sessions I help create space for you to drop into your own knowing. I can guide you as you practice trusting yourself, your body, your rooted knowing. I am here to reflect and reframe as we walk together through these unknown landscapes.
This practice of trusting and walking mindfully step by step with humility is what builds the resilience that helps us continue walking our paths.
Magic happens in connection ~
Growth happens in an ecosystem
My Qualifications
Lifelong Learner
It feels really important to say that I have done formal training, and that training was fundamentally flawed and even harmful at times. Like many formal trainings, it is founded in white supremacy with transphobia and homophobia very present. This experience really invited me to trust my own rooted knowing and see how incredibly valuable my lived experiences are.
So while I have received formal coaching training through Layla Martin’s intensive year long VITA Coaching Program, much of my learning has been through taking other classes, enjoying workshops, and seeing one on one practitioners. Learning about and experiencing different modalities, styles, and practices has really informed how I show up as a practitioner.
Even my time working as a server in New York was a bountiful time full of applicable lessons. Interacting with hundreds of guests every night at cocktail bars and farm to table restaurants was invaluable practice in reading a room, anticipating needs, and learning when to take charge and when to step back.
Formal training is valuable, but by no means a full education. What I have gained through lived experience and continue to learn everyday is what influences my work most.
Pro Domme Experience
My experience as a Pro Domme (or Dominatrix) was a masterclass in how to meet folks where they are. The art of domination is about conscious power dynamics, embodied play, focused energy, understanding incentive and desire. It is also about creating consent, clear communication, and creative pathways through unknown, sometimes scary space.
Dominating requires a lot of focused attention as well as adept flexibility. The key for me is to be connected and attuned to my submissive/playmate. To create an energetic connection between us so that the exchange flows with ease and understanding. Syncing up with each other so we could move and play together, improvising as we go. Coaching is quite similar.
My time as a Pro Domme informs my coaching on so many levels. It’s where I mastered creating spaciousness, mono-tasking, practicing non-judgement, reading body language, and tuning into desires, especially when those desires are uncomfortable or feel alarming to the nervous system.
I am proud to say I am a kink aware, BDSM informed, SWer friendly practitioner. As a kinkster myself, I know how hard it can be to find folks who really understand the ins and outs.
Art-making & Design Education
My formal education is in fine arts and communication design. I attended the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and Parsons School of Design. I studied printmaking, bookmaking, embroidery, typography, illustration, photography, paper-making, performance art, and all types of design including publication, user experience, and user interface.
The practices from art-making and design often come into play in my coaching sessions. This is where my love of experimentation and vivid visuals comes from. My excitement about symbols, poetry, concepts, my ability to see future outcomes and my dedication to flow and process. These are all things I developed and practiced in the studio.
Creativity is a way of life. I believe we are all creative beings. It can be seen in how we put words together, create an image, set a table, or move through a meditation. It’s so present.
My Own Spiritual Practice
I am committed to exploration, to ritual, to my own inner wisdom and knowing. A student of the divine, I have been fascinated by ceremony and magic since I can remember. While I am no longer religious, my Catholic upbringing introduced me to sacrament, sacred symbolism, and parables. It instilled in me a real awe at the mystery of the Spiritual realm and the power of the Divine.
I have a rich spiritual practice that involves meditation, breathwork, embroidery, art making, and sound making. I feel very connected to my well, bright Ancestors, beloved Transcestors, blessed Transcendants, and guiding Spirits. With their guidance, I explore astral realms, internal landscapes, and parallel Universes.
It is through these channels that I have come to know and value my shapeshifting ability. It is a gift and in service to my purpose here on Earth. Which is to act as a bridge, a leader, a student, a peer, a warrior, a sacred galvanizer, and great life experimenter.
“MaryAnn is open supportive and so so loving a sacred spark and ocean of intuition. they offer such pwrful witnessing, encouragement, and reflection.” — lou
See what others have to say ~
“MaryAnn has an exceptional capacity to meet the entire me with integrity, warmth, and compassion. They invite in my complexity, areas of tenderness, unrefined ideas, daydreams and visioning... and they bring a remarkable enthusiasm to the way they inquire deeper, express resonance, or celebrate whatever is arriving/becoming. One of their most unique gifts, is their ability to champion the parts of me that I underestimate, stigmatize, or hide.
I love their playful approach. I love their ability to spot and savor richness. I love that they extend respect inward and outward at the same time... radiating appreciation and self-worth. I love the wild universe of their quick mind.” — Brooke Herr
“MaryAnn provides a coaching experience that is both effective and enjoyable. […] Their guided meditations are highly effective. They are fantastic at listening and analyzing. They provide a safe, light-hearted, slightly subversive environment to explore issues within. They are kind, non-judgmental, insightful, and empathetic. I would highly recommend them to anyone.” — Lauren Goldman
“Being coached by MaryAnn was a deeply soft, joyous and excavating adventure. I felt immediately safe to peel back the mask and dance in the truth of what was ready to rise from within me. MaryAnn is a conduit for healing and I felt a deep sense of rest, pleasure and purpose having spent time in their energy. If being coached by MaryAnn is a star on your horizon, follow that star. It has much, much to teach you, show you, and light up within you.” — Chloe Adriana
My Teachers
I feel so blessed to have had many, many teachers. From art school professors to Dominatrix mentors to practitioners of all types. I truly believe that everything we take in has a lesson to teach or some wisdom to reflect. In this way, my list of teachers is so abundant!
I am currently working on a list of teachers and practitioners, an ongoing bibliography of sorts, that have really influenced my work. Stay tuned, this list is coming soon.
A Few More Thoughts
These Spirit Guided Sessions shift and evolve as I do. They are so personal, so deep. And because of this, there is a natural limit on capacity. To really honor each session, I must rest and recharge in between.
I think these sessions work really well in groups of three. This gives us a beginning, middle, and end. A lovely arc, a trajectory to follow. It also allows for time to bloom, to blossom, to brew and boil. For us to get really comfortable diving in so deep, inviting in things that may not come up in one session alone.
Something I’ve noticed in these Spirit Guided sessions is how “taboos” and topics we may normally make judgement calls around tend to arise. This is a sacred space of embracing. My commitment is to safe exploration. While taboo topics may often feel scary, as long as they aren’t harmful, they are welcome in this space.
These sessions are really rooted in right relationship. Our right relationship to each other, to Spirit, to the world, to ourselves and the parts and pieces of ourselves that show up. This means moving with integrity, with bravery, and knowing we are each one person. We are part of sacred lineages, lines that flow in both directions.